Le Weekend

Apparently, back in September, Sarah and I decided that we should take a trip to Paris for Les Soldes. But in December, Sarah decided that her New Year’s resolution would be to not shop during 2014…dilemma.

On Friday night, we…hopped on the train at STP with 2 coats and 2 cardigans…welcome to the land of haute couture…we’re not gonna fit in

We started the weekend really fashionably with these designer front tails

Anyway, we made it there fine and headed to the little studio that we found on airbnb a few days beforehand (oops. Don’t recommend procrastinating on finding yourselves a temp home but also, nice to know you won’t end up homeless even if you do!) Both this time and the time James and I went to Paris for his birthday in 2012, we stayed in the Marais. It’s a great neighbourhood in the middle of the city for food and shopping, and really easy to get to/from.

If I had to give Le Weekend a theme, it would be Circles. No matter what we did, we seemed to end up walking in circles. That’s not to say we didn’t get anywhere or do anything, but somehow, we’d say adios to the Pompidou for the day and then see it again an hour later. I think it might have had something to do with the shops drawing us in and all the time we spent admiring clothes and ogling pastries. You can read more about the food bit here

I have no idea why Sarah wanted me to take this picture, but we played 5 million games of rummy over the course of the weekend, so I guess it makes sense

Sidenote: In case you didn’t know, if you show your Eurostar ticket at select museums, you can get 2 tickets for the price of 1! A really good deal, of course. We used ours to check out the Erwin Blumenfeld and Natacha Nisic exhibits at the Jeu de Paume in the Tuileries Gardens, and the Cartier: Style and History Exhibit at the Grand Palais (around the corner and a couple of hours ahead in time of us, Kimye had lunch here).

The beautiful sunset we saw on our way out of the Jeu de Paume
Jewels Jewels Jewels
A happy picture of the Queen
Princess Kate’s Halo Diadem from her and Prince William’s 2012 wedding
My fave bit of street art. You’ll have to ask Sarah for all her shots.
Well besides this one of course, which was clearly put in my line-of-sight for V&J.

Sarah did really well sticking to her resolution, and I did well at shopping. It was a good weekend with good food, lots of walking and plenty of nice Parisians to help out our ‘Parlez vows anglaise’ selves.

Au revoir, Paree! Be back soon!

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