Sunbun and Kate went to Limerick

Ate oysters, drank whiskey, left not-a-lick
Rode horses, toured Cork,
Saw cattle, ate pork,
Returned to dear London looking cherubic

About a month ago, Sunny asked me if I wanted to visit her friend Joan in Ireland — she said that Joan’s parents had a farm and they were all a lot of fun (we had also gone to Mudchute City Farm that weekend — yes, apparently there is such a thing as a ‘city farm’!). We booked our flights quickly for the August bank holiday weekend and here we are!

What better way to start the weekend than seeing The Cripple of Inishmaan! We went because hey, Dan Rad. But also our tickets were £12 so, amazing deal. I don’t think I was really expecting that much from it, but I ended up really liking it! I noticed that the box was empty, so at the interval, we moved down and were soooo much closer and it was even cooler!

Here’s me, a couple of days later, paying tribute to Cripple Billy and Aunt Kate:

We were a bit hungry afterwards, so stopped off at Les Deux Salons for a quick bite, but that meant we got back to Sunny’s at 1am…and were up again at 3am to head to Stansted for our Ryanair flight :/

But by 10am, we were breakfasting with Joan and Aston! Their home is so lovely and spacious. I stayed in the East Wing 🙂

Elton Lodge

The Conservatory 🙂

After breakfast, we headed out to Kinsale in County Cork. We ate at Fishy Fishy and it was sooooo delicious (see link above). Full and happy, we then headed to the Jameson distillery in Midleton. After a tour of the facilities (in the rain), the guide asked for 8 volunteers. I raised my hand and got myself into a whisky tasting/comparison of Irish (triple distilled), Scotch (double distilled) and American (distilled once) whiskies. Gahhhh. So basically,

This is your face. This is your face on whiskey.

We headed home via Tesco to pick up some things for dinner, and again, I volunteered to make dessert. What is my deal. This time, we went for Kahlua cake. I got this recipe from my friend Lauren P-D, and it is one of my favorite favorites. So rich and chocolatey and moist and delicious and gah. You will die when you try it. Of happiness. And possibly instantaneous obesity.

Joan’s brother and his girlfriend joined us for dinner, along with…Darcy! The only other puppy I’ve loved besides Margie, Joy’s dog. Here’s me and Darce:

Darce also fell in love with Joan’s new hedgehog doorstop. Star-crossed lovers.

Then it was Sunday! Showtime!!!!!

We went over to Joan’s parents’ place to pick up our tickets, and said hi to Joan’s horses Gryffindore (formerly known as Magic, but he’s had a name change and he has a passport to prove it!), Handsome and Website! Not to mention Ruby, Phoebe and Percy (relatives of Darcy). We saw a lot. Mainly farm animals and vegetables (duh). Some of my favorite photographic evidence of the trip is below.

My Fave Sign.
Top of my Christmas list
I was going for 6th prize
Limerick’s version of the banana stand
With the President and First Lady of the Limerick Society! Aka Joan’s parents, the nicest!
I love the goat’s eating posture
Little horsey!
And flex! (JK)
Heyyyyy I have a tractor bed!
This cow weighed ONE TON. She’s a Charolais. Yes, I am now a cow scholar.
The creative section!
More creativity!
Um. Only the best carrot cake you’ve ever seen????
Hangin with a giant bull

After the show, we stopped by Lough Gur and then went back to Joan’s parents’ place so we could ride out!

Largest family of non-fiction redheads I’ve ever seen (fiction fam obv being the Weasleys)
The Darapudys at Lough Gur
Cuuuutest pic ev of Sunny and Magic
Joan on Magic and me on Website after a good trot!

Top of the Knock[rue] after a pit stop at Molly’s before dinner
Bonus sneaky pic I took at Joan’s parents’ house:

Omg cutest thing ever, baby Joan on Jellytots!!!

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